Trevi Sangiovese

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The hot, dry climate, such as Tuscany provides, is where sangiovese thrives. Because these climatic criteria generally enhance quantity, rather than quality, it takes careful cultivation and winemaking techniques to produce really excellent wine from this grape. The official classification of Chianti itself demonstrates the widely fluctuating range of Sangiovese quality from those identified as ordinary vino di tavola to the highest classico superiore. Sangiovese is the #1 varietal in Italy with 247,000 acres, 10% of the entire wine grape crop.

The flavor profile of our Sangiovese is fruity, with moderate natural acidity and an elegant, yet assertive and robust, finish. The aroma have a strawberry, blueberry, faintly floral, violet or plummy character. Intriguing scents of ripe cherries and violets give way to flavors of blackberries and blueberries. A combination of finely resolved tannins and lively acids penetrate the palate, providing a foundation for which the dark fruit and spicy qualities dance along. Sangiovese's fabric and fineness reveals itself with age.

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Last modified: 04/10/08